The Fantastic Truth About A Real Cosmic "Jurassic Park" That May Soon Come To Life To Haunt Us All

And to complicate matters, the humans had turned out to be a 
prolific species, which seemed to take delight in reproducing. 
What had begun as an earthly paradise had been slowly transformed
into a land of civil strife and internal warrings.

A great catastrophe is said to have emerged the great island kingdoms beneath the oceans. Nearly all the Atlantians and Lemurians were drowned, with the exception of the merchant marine and those who managed to escape in boats or rafts. The survivors of the disaster spread the story of the death of a world before our own from east to west, and the tale has been passed to our own time via the many variations of the Great Deluge legends.

What is discomforting to consider in this hypothesis is that the reptilian engineers may have been the ones responsible for the great cataclysms that emerged an experiment that got out of hand. They may well have come to the conclusion that they had been wrong in interfering in the evolutionary process of Earth. A decision may have been reached to "correct" their error and henceforth to pass an edict that their kind can never again interact with us.

Old traditions speak of a war between the forces of light and darkness that raged in humankind's prehistory. Whether such a conflict occurred in the destruction of that world before our own that we remember in our species' collective unconscious as Atlantis or whether the struggle took place between rival extraterrestrial forces, their exists awesome evidence that someone was exercising power of formidable energy.

According to some traditions, the Sons of the Light vanquished certain Black Magicians who sought to enslave developing humankind, and wherever the disciples of chaos had built fortifications of earthly power, "the smoke rose up like that from a mighty furnace."

There are accounts of sand melted into glass in certain desert areas, of hill forts with vitrified portions of stone walls, of the remains of ancient cities that had been destroyed by what appeared to have been extreme heat—far beyond that which could have been scorched by torches of primitive armies. In each instance, the trained and experienced archeologists who encountered such anomalous finds have stressed the point that none of these catastrophes had been caused by volcanoes, by lightning, by crashing comets, or by conflagrations set by humankind.

Until the radiocarbon dating method was developed in the late 1940's, it was often a matter of argument when it came to arriving at the exact date of an archaeological site. The consensus of academic opinion most often placed the Ameridian's ancestors on this continent at not more than 3000 years ago, and if the dig produced artifacts that seemed the slightest bit controversial, the experts simply fell back on their favorite theories and prejudices and denounced their opponents.

Some archaeologists, of course, did accept the physical evidence of the spearhead between a Bison antiquus' ribs as testimony that man had been near what is now Folsom, New Mexico, over 10,000 years ago. Many of the most skeptical conceded that the spear points found amidst the bones of extinct horses, camels, and mammoths in a dig near Clovis, New Mexico, in 1932, proved that human hunters had stalked the great beast more than 12,000 years ago.

But in spite of the dozens of finds in the 1930's which uncovered Paleo-Indian artifacts in situ with the bones of extinct elephants and bison, the most avant-garde of the archaeologists would only place humans upon the continent around 10,000 years ago, while the conservative still argued adamantly for a more recent arrival of 3,000 years.

A human skull, mandible, and ribs, which had been at the base of a sea cliff at Del Mar, California, in 1929, and conventionally catalogued, was, in 1974, dated to 48,000 years ago by Dr. Jeffrey Bada, a chemist at Skipps Institute. Since that time, Bada has dated human skeletal remains at four other California sites as being 27,000, 39,000, 45,000, and 70,000 years in age.

In recent years, conservative archaeologists have had their world turned inside out, but only the most open minded of scientists would dare to read a complete dossier of the remarkable and provocative discoveries concerning early humans in North America.

There is, for example, the data concerning the 1898 find of H. Flagler Cowden and his brother, Charles, who unearthed the fossil remains of a giant female, over seven feet tall, who they speculated was a member of a race of large primitives who had vanished from the face of the earth some 100,000 years ago.

Astonishingly, the Cowdens had found their giant woman in Death Valley, an area that, while desolate in modern times, may have been an inlet for the Pacific Ocean in prehistoric times. In the same strata as the female skeleton were remains of extinct camels, elephants, palm trees, towering ferns and fish life.

Nessie Underwater? If prehistoric creatures have survived in the sea—as this photo indicates—why wouldn't dinosaurs have developed their own intelligence on some other planet and be able to visit earth now or in the past.

It is quite likely that the Cowdens' estimate of a 100,000 years ago may be excessive, even though the brothers had based their conclusion on the amount of silica in the soil and the sands and by the state of petrification of the skeletal remains, along with the crystallization and opalization of the bone marrow. Perhaps, we may reason, 50,000 years would be adequate-and almost as heretical.

One thing is certain: If the giant female was seven feet, six inches tall, then, assuming the same kind of height ratio which exists in modern times, the males of the vanquished valley paradise would have been eight feet tall. Neither Neanderthal nor Cro-Magnon were taller than Homo sapiens; and the Shoshones, Paiutes, Cosos and other desert tribes who had occupied the valley at the time of the European invasion of the continent were no taller than the invaders. Who can identify these mysterious giants of Death Valley?

It is difficult not to feel tiny prickles of recognition of genetic engineering when our further reading informs us that the Cowdens discovered a number of anomalous physical appendages and attributes not found in contemporary man. They noted a number of several extra "buttons" at the base of the woman's spine, "and every indication betraying the woman and her people as endowed with tail-like appendages." The brothers also found that the woman had canine teeth twice the size and length of modern man.

[The hasty will scoff at the suggestion of giant humans with tails once walked the Americas, but the New England Journal of Medicine of May 20, 1982, described the birth of a baby with a two-inch-long tail. The slender, tappered growth was surgically removed at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Fred D. Ledley saw the appendage as a "vivid example of man's place in evolution."

While noting that few tail cases have been documented in the latter part of this century, Dr. Ledley stated that the "well formed caudal appendage" represented a "striking clinical confrontation with the reality of evolution."

Humans may have diverted from their most closely related tail-bearing primates twenty-five million years ago, Dr. Ledley agreed, but "human genes contain information for tail formation.]

Then there is the account of the party of miners working near Bridalveil Falls, California, who, in July 1895, found the tomb of a woman whose skeletal remains were six feet, eight inches in length. The miners had found the Amazon behind a "wall of rock that had been shaped and fitted together with an apparent knowledge of masonry." When they had broken through the wall, they hoped they had stumbled upon some ancient treasure trove.

Instead of riches, however, the found that they had blundered into the burial chamber of a very large woman. The corpse had been wrapped in animal skins and covered with a fine gray powder. She was clutching a child to her breast.

Scientists in Los Angelese agreed that the mummy was that of a woman from a race that had flourished on the continent long before the Ameridian had become dominant. Their consensus was that she would have stood over seven feet tall in life, thereby making the males of her kind at least eight feet tall.

An article in the New York Times for May 4, 1912, reports that eighteen skeletons were found while excavating a mound near Lake Delavan, Wisconson. The remains of the males were those of giants, with remarkably large heads, while the woman were of normal size with smaller heads.

Subsequent news articles of the find described the males as possessed of sloping foreheads with nasal bones that protruded far above the cheekbones. "Their jawbones were long and pointed, bearing a minute resemblance to the head of a monkey. The teeth in front of the jaw are regular molars."

The New York Times index proves a good reference resource. On December 2, 1930, a newspaper carried an item about a similar find near a mining town, Sayopa, Sonora, 300 miles south of the Mexican border. A mining engineer, J.E. Coker, reported finding "bodies of men, averaging eight feet in height...buried tier by tier."

On February 14, 1936, the Times ran a piece datelined Managua, Nicaragua, which told of the skeleton of a gigantic man, sans skull, that had been unearthed in the Chontales district near the Mico River: "The ribs are a yard long and four inches wide and the chin bone is too heavy for one man to carry. 'Chontales' is an Indian word, meaning 'wild man...

On June 9, 1936, an article with a Miami, Florida, dateline told of human skeletons eight feet long imbedded in the sand of an uninhabited little island off the southern part of the state.

Flying creatures resembling extinct dinosaurs have been sighted world wide, including the likes of the Jersey Devil which has been observed flying around the Garden State for over the past 100 years.

There seems to be a growing amount of evidence—a bit more than circumstantial—which suggests that an organized program of genetic engineering was conducted on Earth by agents of an extraterrestrial civilization of advanced technology. Judging from certain prior discoveries which have been made on this continent, it would seem that North America in particular may have served as a vast and unique labratory for a number of experimental programs.

The question of what it is to be human may begin to acquire new, dramatic, and startling answers. And the specific question of how humankind evolved on the North American continent suggests answers that may be considered too startling and iconoclastic for the anthropological traditionalist.

We may continue to acquire entry after entry in our journal of anomalous skeletal remains:

Tioga Point, Bradford County, Pennsylvania...the bones of 68 men...average height, seven feet.
Dresback, Minnesota...the bones of men over eight feet tall...discovered in huge earthworks.
LaCrescent, Minnesota...large metal skillets, together with men of huge stature.
Ellisburg, Pennsylvania...skeleton of a man close to eight feet in length.

And what of the legends of the Allegewi?

The oral traditions of the Delaware and the Sioux Indians tell of a race of "great stature, but cowardly" with whom they entered into conflict. The Allegheny River and Mountains are named after the Allegewi, but the Iroquois Confederacy drove the giants out of their strong, walled cities, and the Sioux finished them off when they attempted to relocate in what is now Minnesota.

Has our species been genetically engineered?

Was early Homo Sapiens guided around some evolutionary dead ends?

Only the human species, among species in the natural state, comes in such a great diversity of "breeds." It is as if we have been domesticated and controlled in a manner similar to the ways that we employed to assist Nature in creating the great varieties of domesticated dogs and cats. In any other of the primate species, such as the gorilla, all of the members are essentially alike.

If one were to make an extensive study of the characteristics perculiar to each genus of the primates, Homo has 312 differences from his closest cousins among all the creatures on the planet. To itemize only a few, we may note humankind's dexterity with thumb and index finger; the big buttocks for walking; the thick layer of subcutaneous fat beneath the outer skin; the mobile facial muscles, capable of over one hundred subtle expressions; the furless skin.

Of greater importance is the explosive speed at which the neocortex of Homo Sapiens has evolved in the last 500,000 years. If all the primates began the evolutionary trek three to five million years ago, why was it that only humankind has become so clearly dominant and superior? The earliest civilization of which science has any records flowered among the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia. A quantum leap in humankind's intellectual development occured in Sumer 6000 years ago when cueiform writing was invented to record a dramatic starburst. Every pulsating thrust of the technology with which humankind surrounds itself today was initiated when a star died in a dramatic, brilliant explosion.

The psychological and cultural impact of the supernova on the inhabitants of Sumer was overwhelming. Literally "overfight" in evolutionary terms, the Sumerians gave the world a law code, the first love song, the first school system, the first parliament, and the first directory of pharmaceutical concoctions. The origins of contemporary Western culture were nursed in Sumer, the cradle of civilization. The roots of the Judeo-Christian religious beliefs grew from the "tree of knowledge," the Garden of Eden, which tradition places in that same area. Astronomers recognize the nearest and brightest supernova ever witnessed by humankind as Vela X, now a faintly flashing pulsar about 1300 light years from our solar system. George Michanowsky, a specialist in Mesapotamian astronomy, saw how the very first and most fundamental symbol of Sumerian script was one which represented "star." He went on to show how the first word ever written by a human soon became linked with the symbol for "deity," thus communicating "star god." Michanowsky saw the death-blaze of Vela X to have been such a profound sky show that it became a "cultural organizing principle" that forced human knowledge to take a dramatic leap forward.

But was there something more that took place at that time?

The priest-historian Berossus chronicled the account of Oannes, half-man, half-fish, who surfaced from the Persian Gulf to instruct the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia in the arts of civilization. Oannes was said to be one who was possessed of an insight into letters, sciences, and every kind of art. Oannes was but an ancient Greek form of Ea, the star god of the Sumerians.

Were the Sumerians so overwhelmingly inspired by the starburst that they were stimulated into creating writing, law, education, and many of the essential concepts of modern science?

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